Online roulette And the game of roulette is a game that gamblers like to risk their luck and play roulette a lot for everyone.
1. Straight up stab
It is a favorite bet number 0-36 with a chance of winning is 1 in 37. The odds are 1 pay 35 or bet 10 baht, pay 350 baht. Which is consider a very high payout rate games by UFABET
2. Split stab
Is a bet on 2 numbers vertically or horizontally. The chance of winning is 2 in 37, the odds are 1 bet, pay 17 or bet 10 baht, will receive 170 baht. But split bets are easier than sta bets call up and have more chances
3. Tang Street
It is a bet on 3 numbers vertically in the table above. The chance of winning is 1 in 12. The odds are 1 bet pay 11 or bet 10 baht pay 110 baht. Street betting will increase the chances of winning more bets. Straight-Up Betting and Split play roulette because there is a higher chance of exiting.

4. Corner stab
It is a 4-digit bet by placing a chip in the corner of the number to overlap 4 numbers. The chance of winning is 4 in 37. The odds are 1, pay 8, or bet 10 baht, pay 80 baht. Corner bets will increase your chances of winning a lot. Over Straight-up stabbing Split and street betting because there is a higher chance of exiting.
5. bet line
It is a stabbing similar to a street stabbing. But to place a chip over the line Make this bet all 6 numbers. The chance of winning is 1 in 6. The odds are 1, pay 5 or bet 5 baht, pay 50 baht. This bet will be a wider bet. The chances of getting money will be higher more. But the payout rate will be lower.
6. Column stab
It is a table stab at the entire column. By placing a chip at the end of the column. This bet affects 12 numbers. The chance of winning is 1 in 3. The odds are 1 pays 2 or bet 10 baht pays 20. Column bets are consider as wide bets. The dozen or the bet on the line itself. Players have a very high chance of win. But the payout rate will be lower as well.
7. stab a dozen
Is to bet on 12 numbers, namely 1-12, 13-24, 25-36. The chance of winning is 1 in 3. The odds are to bet 1 pays 2 like column bets. Or bet 10 baht pay 20 bets a dozen players have the opportunity win very high. But the payout rate will be lower as well.
8. stab red/black
Is a black or red bet, the chance of winning is 1 in 2. The odds are 1 pay 1 bet. Black red bet is considered the widest bet of the game. Online roulette Because because it is a guess, 50% 50%, there is an equal chance of being wrong. Most people bet on colors the most. Because the chances are equal But the payout rate is the lowest play roulette
9. Bet on even/odd numbers
It is an odd bet of all the numbers that will be issue. The chance of winning is 1 in 2. The odds are 1 pay 1 bet. This bet is similar to betting on red and black because it is a 50% 50% chance of being correct. equally wrong. Because the chances are equal. But the payout rate is the lowest.
10. Over/Under bet
Choosing to bet on numbers 1-18 is low and choose to bet 19-36 is high. The chance of winning is 1 in 2. The odds are 1 to pay 1 as well. High / Low bets. That is another popular style. Not losing to the red even, odd or red, black, red. Because there are many chances to come out. But the payout rate is the lowest.